In Galifesto, a young Christian feminist comes of age in an Orwellian Dystopia. Aided by the mysterious computer marvel Mark Atlas, she gathers a circle of unlikely allies through her unitive philosophy of Synergism, working together to build a better world.
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The Incorporated States of America is an Orwellian dystopia ruled by the corporations to which it is indebted. Authoritarian oligarchs break laws that have been declared state secrets, conquering the people by keeping them divided from one another by fear and disgust.
Yet rather than fearing her God and government, young Zealot Christian Elizabeth Franklin comes of age when a tragic loss makes her question inflexibility of Faith. Led by computer marvel Mark Atlas, she learns to transcend the battle lines of race, class and religion, gathering a circle of unlikely allies through her unitive philosophy of Synergism.
Together, they create a movement that is greater than the sum of their parts. Through synergy and love, a trail is blazed that leads Elizabeth's life sideways into a better world.
Nynia Chance was born the middle child of an average American Christian family in an average American town, graduating from an average American school to drop out of an average college and pursue an above-average career. Deeply grateful for all of the opportunities she received, she works to pay it forward through lovingkindness for all she meets.
Nexus of Now Media is a small publisher of books and music that help in the struggle against the chaos and separation that keeps us from connecting with ourselves, and one another.